I admit it. I’m overweight. I’m defined by the health community as obese. I know this. I really don’t need anyone telling me.
Food is pleasant for me. I enjoy eating. I enjoy watching cooking shows. I do not enjoy the grocery store. And recently, I’ve started to enjoy cooking.
These last two items I feel are keys to my obesity. Here are my thoughts. Because I do everything for everyone, I get tired of giving. So I want to be fed and nurtured. If I don’t cook, then someone has to help me. I’m forcing someone to care for me.
Well guess what people – that isn’t going to happen. So here is where I need to take charge of myself – My Diet.
I’ve been on tons of diets. Weight Watcher, South Beach, Paleo, Orgasam, and shakes. I’ve haven’t done the pre-prepared foods, but I watched my Mom go through that and I was not impressed.
So here is my diet for this week. Don’t eat the trigger foods. We all have them:
- Foods that trigger us to eat more
- Foods that trigger our digestive systems to go in over drive
- Foods that give us comfort with committing.
My trigger foods are:
- Popcorn (with butter of course)
- Sour cream
- Mayonnaise
- Garlic (It upsets my tummy, but I love it.)
- Eggs (recent allergies, but I still love them)
- For one week, I will avoid these. Then assess how I feel because today, I feel awful.
Rant of the day: Yesterday we spent the day as a family at a local theme park. When Adam was dropping us home, I went upstairs to go to the bathroom. He left without saying good-bye. His reason – I thought you were taking a nap. HELLO?! You may be losing your mind, but I haven’t lost my manners.
Walk commitment – yes, that’s 2 of 30
Guiding card of the day – King of Pentacles or The Banker, stick to my commitments and I will be successful
Filed under: Health Journey or Hell Journey? Tagged: diet, divorce, Eating, health, Obesity, separated, separation, weight gain, weight loss